Friday, December 16, 2011

Republicans v. Democrats (on Racism)

Alright.  Now all of you who are constant readers know that I'm all about finding and exposing the truth, and I don't care about whose toes I step on.  I do not intend to mislead or misinform.  I try not to be biased towards one idea, however, it may come off as such when exposing the other side of the story.  We all have opinions.  We all have beliefs.  We all have different ways of doing things.  Doesn't make us right and others wrong.  What's great about this country is that we all get to share our beliefs.  Your beliefs may differ from mine, and that's fine.  If you don't like what you're reading, don't read.  This is my blog, so what I want to say will be on here.  If you want to express your ideas, leave a comment or start your own blog.
I'll start off by saying that I'm a conservative.  I don't identify myself with the Republican party, because frankly, a lot of them don't share my beliefs.  I'm pro-choice, to a point.  I believe that after the first trimester you've made your decision to keep the baby.  The only way to have an abortion after that point is if the mother's life was in danger and having one would save her.  However, it would be her choice, and I believe the federal government has no right to tell her what to do with her body.  I leave religion out of my decision making.  I see a separation of church and state.  I don't feel it's correct to make decisions based solely on religious beliefs.  I'm not saying that religious people are ignorant, because they're not. I'm saying that there's a place for faith, and it's not in government.  Again, my beliefs. 
Now, the point of this post is to expose some truths.  Especially historical truths, which is also what this blog is for.  Let me make some observations for you.
The Republican Party was founded on the principles viewed by Abraham Lincoln, who himself always went back to the principles of the founding fathers.  The Declaration of Independence was very important to him.  We should also think about why the Republican Party was created.  The party was created due to the public opinion in this country, towards slavery, breaking away from the principles of the founding fathers.  Many people in this country, mainly in the Democratic Party, accepted the idea that slavery was a good thing, even though the founding fathers only tolerated slavery out of necessity.  Without the toleration of slavery, the southern states would not have signed and ratified the Constitution and our country would not exist the way we know it today.  Thomas Jefferson was the founder of what eventually became the Democratic Party, and he argued that slavery was bad not only for the slave but also for the owner.  John C. Calhoun turned it around, stating that slavery was actually a good thing for both slave and owner.  Calhoun defended slavery and by doing so went against the principles of the founders.  He argued that the proposition of "all men are created equal," was a huge political error and was completely false.  Calhoun then transformed the Democratic Party of Jefferson into the Party of Slavery.
 (Just so you know Calhoun was VP for John Q. Adams, and served as secretary of war 1817-1825.  He was a leader in politics in South Carolina, and a major political theorist, died in 1860.)

Anyways, a very liberal position that this party took was regarding slavery.  They believed that slavery should be decided by popular vote and that it should be decided by the people in the territories.  Whether or not they want slavery to be outlawed, or if they would allow southerners to transport slaves into the new territories.  So then we have a war that lasts for 4 years and slavery would be abolished 8 months after the end of the war.  After the war Democrats continued their war against African-Americans, which had been going on even during the Civil War.  (They actively worked to undercut the Union war effort.)  It is also known that the KKK was the arm of terror for the national Democratic Party during Reconstruction.  In the end, Democrats defeated Reconstruction and at the same time created Jim Crow.  We should all know who Jim Crow was.  Look up the Jim Crow laws.  These were the base of the segregation laws that we know which caused the riots in the 60s for Civil Rights.  Democratic liberalism didn't involve the issue of race.  Woodrow Wilson was the epitome of a liberal racist. 
(I might even do a post about Wilson at some point.  He can be seen as the father of progressive ideals.  Maybe not the father, but a big proponent.  As we all know, progressives have taken over the Democratic Party that we know today.)
In the 1920s the Republican Party repeatedly called for some type of anti-lynching legislation which was rejected repeatedly by Democrats, so for the most part African-Americans supported Republicans.  It wasn't until FDR came out with his New Deal that African-Americans broke away from the Republican Party and went along with Democrats, and became Democrats by virtue of political expediency, not principle.  Even the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was opposed by Democrats.  If you look at the voting records of both parties, 96% of Republicans were for the Act.  80% of Democrats were opposed to it. 

Republican Senate Minority Leader Everett Dirksen (R) pushed the bill through, even though Majority Leader Mike Mansfield (D), continued to refuse to bring the bill to a vote.  Of those no-votes, we get names of people such as Albert Gore Sr., and Robert Byrd, who remained a powerful figure in the Senate until his death on June 28, 2010, and that is another point.
Robert Byrd is a double standard.  Robert Byrd was viewed as a hero in the Democratic Party when he died, yet Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK and not only was he just a member, he became Exalted Cyclops while in the organization.  He even used the "N" word on national TV.  But Byrd's racism extends far beyond his Klan membership. In a letter he wrote on the subject of desegregating the armed forces, Byrd escalated his racist rhetoric to an appalling level. In the letter, Byrd vowed that he would never fight in an integrated armed services, noting "rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds." 

Republican president Eisenhower had to intervene when a Democrat governor of AR by the  name of Faubus used police and state forces to block the integration of a high school in Little Rock.  We all know about this standoff and it is one of the most famous in this country.  Only after the intervention by Eisenhower was the standoff settled.

Going back to FDR, considered to be the hero of modern day Democrats, let's look at some of his bigotry:
Japanese Internment Camps during WWII.  Through the use of presidential Executive Orders, FDR single-handedly imprisoned an estimated 120,000 law abiding Americans of Japanese ancestry, and the majority were natural born 2nd and 3rd generation American citizens.  Countless civilians lost property, fortunes, and some even lost their lives due to the result of these internment camps.  These were basically America's concentration camps.  He was also looking at doing the same to Italian-Americans, and German-Americans.
It is also known that Roosevelt had spoken with Stalin about giving Stalin the displaced Jews from the war and anyone who knows anything about Communist Russia, knows they hated the Jews.

Then I hear from current Democrats, that it's all in the past.  "All of that stuff is in the past and we're different now."  "We push a pro-African-American agenda."  Not based on reality.
Let's look at a couple of examples:
EDUCATION:  One of the biggest obstacles our country faces for true equality is education.  Really think about that.  If the Democrats truly wanted to help minority children, which the Democrats are constantly stating during speeches that they work for those children, then they would embrace school choice.  School choice allows minority children to escape from being stuck in sub-standard schools and allow them to go to schools where they can receive the best education possible.  But why don't Democrats go this route?  The answer is quite simple.  Teachers' unions.  The Democratic Party depends on the financial support from the largest union in this country, and allowing school choice would offend the teachers' unions.  So in order to keep the support from the unions they sacrifice African-American interests, mainly because the unions have more pull. 
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION:  This has become the quintessential part of Democratic racial politics.  Yet, affirmative action, as currently practiced, is racist to it's own core.  Think about it.  It's basically saying that African-Americans are incapable of competing with whites.  It kind of reminds me of what Calhoun was saying.  "Blacks are simply incapable of freedom.  They will always need the whites' help, and woe be to any African-American who wanders off the Democratic plantation."  This mindset is clearly racist, yet goes unnoticed, or is purposefully ignored. 

As a conservative I've been told that I am part of the party that is totally racist.  We hate people of all colors, and hate people who have nothing.  Well I can assure you that I am not racist, and I don't drive fancy cars or live in a mansion.  I've been where I've worked 2 jobs at the same time, just to make extra money for my wedding, so I don't hate the have-nots, however, I do dislike those who choose not to do anything to change their situation and expect others to bail them out.  I'm not here to pick on one side.  I'm here to expose the side that seems to get a free pass when they shouldn't.  I'm showing that the Democrat party isn't the innocent one that it's portrayed as.  Both sides are guilty of some form of racism/bigotry and both sides have people within the party that act racist.  But to say that only Republicans are racist and bigots and haters, is to basically lie.  Democrats in office use the race card as a way to win elections.  Look at the election of 2008.  What a pathetic way to run a campaign.  Whatever happened to running on positions  and merit, or record?  No instead we got, "If you don't vote for Obama you're a racist."  Disgusting.  As stated before, both parties are guilty of such actions.  I'm merely exposing the side that goes unnoticed.  The next time someone is on TV or radio and is accusing Republicans of racial hatred, remember the people on the following list.  These people are considered heroes and leaders of the Democrat Party, and have participated in racism, and many were/are affiliated with racist hate groups.  These are the people to think about when someone says the Democrat Party is different now than it was in the time of Lincoln.  The following list of people is from FDR's New Deal Era to present.  The list does not include all who are guilty, but names we all should know.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Democrat icon and orchestrator of Japanese Internment
Ex-House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt, former affiliate of a St. Louis area racist group
Ex-Senate President Pro Tempore Robert Byrd, former Ku Klux Klansman known for making bigoted slurs on national television
Rev. Jesse Jackson, Democrat keynote speaker and race hustler known for making anti-Semitic slurs
Rev. Al Sharpton, Democrat activist and perennial candidate and race hustler known for inciting anti-Semitic violence in New York City
Sen. Ernest Hollings, leading Democrat Senator known for use of racial slurs against several minority groups
Lee P. Brown, former Clinton cabinet official and Democrat mayor of Houston who won reelection using racial intimidation against Hispanic voters
Andrew Cuomo, former Clinton cabinet official and Democrat candidate for NY Governor who made racist statements about a black opponent.
Dan Rather, Democrat CBS news anchor and editorialist known for using anti-black racial epithets on a national radio broadcast
Donna Brazile, former Gore campaign manager known for making anti-white racial attacks. Brazile has also worked for Jackson, Gephardt, and Michael Dukakis

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